God's New Revelations

The Earth


- Chapter 22 -

The twelve constellations and their effect

You may have found, in certain calendars, the assertion that the twelve signs of the zodiac have a certain influence upon the vegetative powers of the Earth. Only infrequently will the farmers of today follow this system; rather, they pay special attention to the seeding and harvesting of their crops.
Farmers' calendars indicate the signs of the zodiac through which the moon passes day by day, and in which sign the sun is located. And there is certainly some truth in this system, though not for the reasons given today, but rather for the reasons mentioned above.
The moon cycles through the twelve constellations approximately every twenty-nine days. The same seems to be the case with the sun, advancing by one constellation every month, though in fact it is only the body of the Earth that moves. This advance through the main constellations, by the moon as well as by the sun, causes one or another of the stars of these constellations constantly to be covered. Thus the influence which the above constellations exert upon the body of the Earth is interrupted for short periods of time. Therefore some changes must be noticed on Earth in accordance with the aforementioned laws, especially in those things which receive a specificum from the influence of these stars.
This effect cannot be of long duration, since the stars are not covered for long periods of time. But there are other circumstances that come into play, from which originate very noticeable influences upon the Earth: the periodic oscillation of the Earth's orbit around the sun, as well as the oscillation of the moon, which, in many hundreds of years, hardly ever makes precisely he same orbit. The zenith position of the twelve constellations thereby changes, causing many tangible and perceptible changes o, Earth.
In addition to these influences, there are continuous changes in the positions of the planets, which, in a thousand years, will only rarely enter once again completely into a constellation similar to that wherein they exerted their influence upon Earth.
Furthermore, special consideration has to be given to the eruptions on the body of the sun. The light of the sun is weakened by these eruptions, and therefore it cannot influence the Earth with the force which, with the full measure of its light, it would normally expend upon the Earth.
The effects of the occurrences last mentioned are perceived more in the second region of the air than in its lowest region. The second region has its beginning at 1.24 miles (2,000 meters) above sea level.
Here it might be said that the second region of the air should also feel those manifold effects which occur in the lowest region of the air. However, this statement is not correct, because the rays of the exceedingly many and most distant stars are not sufficiently condensed at that height. That is why they cannot, at that particular height, form those particular specifica which they can bring into effect approximately 1.24 miles lower. The fact that from these heights you cannot see stars of the fourth, fifth, and sixth magnitude at night with the unaided eye, demonstrates this fact; whereas at sea level, on a clear night, anyone with healthy eyes can see stars of the seventh and eighth magnitude with the unaided eye. Why is that not possible on a 1.24 mile-high mountain? Because the rays falling in from these distant stars are not sufficiently condensed. The visual angle is still too acute for the eye to perceive the star. The higher up you are, the more this explanation will be confirmed. That is also why vegetation declines at such heights, and in the end utterly ceases to exist. Do not believe that this is caused by the sun's rays alone, which, higher up, are naturally less condensed. The sun has only an indirect effect; it supports only the light falling from the stars, and indeed with the same light that the sun took from those same stars. The sun, therefore, is not the sole contributor of their light, but a supporter.
